Viber online web chat
Viber online web chat

viber online web chat

Install and activate WP Social Ninja on your WordPress website. Let’s get started with Viber chat Configuration With this social media tool, you’ll be able to use the instant contact button by using that it offers in its social media widgets like Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, and many more. In this case, WP Social Ninja would be your best pick. Such as social media channel availability and customization possibilities, responsiveness, location options, etc. Though WordPress is a flexible platform to let users use plugins and add-ons for adding different features and chat widgets, you need to choose the proper one for your site by examining aspects. If you want to embed Viber chat on your website, one of the best ways is to integrate your website with a WordPress plugin.

viber online web chat viber online web chat

How to embed Viber chat on your website with WP Social Ninja? Now, let’s dig into the process of how you do it. Well, we have talked enough about the importance of adding Viber chat to the website. Through WP Social Ninja, customize it by choosing the right icon, including a caption with your business details, setting a warm welcome message, offering customer support, and helping them make an order. With a customizable social chat widget, you can do that according to your choice.

viber online web chat

Providing everything that a customer gets easy to fulfill their demand from a website is always gives a different look to your website Which is not just about the appearance it enables to make your website look more professional. Your website gets a professional interface So, set up a social chat widget like a Viber chat pop-up, and customize it with a more eye-catchy design that goes well with your web page Set it at the right page and right place and convince your users to buy more. Your Viber chat window is enough to trigger customers’ attention. Through this, you can motivate them to purchase from your website. With the Viber chat, you will get a chance to have a personal conversation with your visitor. Also, you will be able to stay connected and answer them whenever you want to. This one is the easiest way for your visitors to reach you on a quick go and make them convert into your potential customer. When visitors visit your website and find a social media contact button right on the website, they can immediately make any queries if they want to. Adding a Viber chat to your website means you open a well-known and comfortable chat window for your customer.

Viber online web chat